
Skin Shake
Chocolate Pepito Skin Shake
1/2 Cup of Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitos)
2 1/2 cups filtered water/Coconut water/Soy milk/Almond/Coconut milk (I used a blend of these depending on what is in the fridge and how I feel)
4-6 Brazil nuts (I chop or grind mine first)
4 Medjoul Dates (stone removed and chop)
1 teaspoon (or two) raw ginger (finely grated) - optional
1/4 cup of raw cacao powder
1/2 small avocado (1/4 large)
1/2 frozen banana (skin off and chopped)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Blend all the ingredients together in a blender or bullet until smooth.
This recipe is adapted from Dr Libby Weaver's Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Skin shake. You will find her original recipe in her book "Dr Libby's Real Food Chef". Dr Libby, is an Australian based in NZ with her Kiwi husband. She has authored a number of excellent books, and I recommend all of them - some are recipe books and others are focused on women's health and wellness.
Dr Libby's Nutritional Information:
"A great breakfast or filling snack due to the satiating addition of avocado. Nicknamed the "Skin Shake" due to the high content of zinc and mono-unsaturated fats, it will have glowing in no time. Cacao Powder is the rawest from of chocolate and is very high in antioxidants. It does contain caffeine so it is best consumed in the morning. We like to follow this drink with a lovely big glass of water"